Marisa Mitchell
Intersect Power
"I've learned that great ideas are nothing without the toolbox to bring them to fruition. Now I feel like I have both—the ideas and the execution—and it will allow me to offer more to my current organization and future endeavors."
Preparing for marketing, strategy, and more with an MBA
"For me, the decision to join the EMBA at Haas started paying for itself before I even started classes. A few weeks into the EMBA, I received three competing job offers for roles I would only think possible after an MBA. But these employers knew the brand and quality of Haas, and that I'd be coming out in just 19 months with a strong skillset."
"When I applied to Haas, I felt that I'd mastered my role as a technical specialist in environmental permitting for utility scale solar projects. I was interested in other aspects of the business like marketing, project financing, and overall business strategy. These fields weren't accessible to me without either taking a huge step back in title and pay, or earning an MBA."
Deepening your skills, relationships, and career prospects with an MBA
"While it's tough to cram everything in–family, work and school–the structure of Haas's residency program allows me to be fully immersed in the classroom and with my cohort. I'm fully present—it's like the rest of the world disappears while I'm in block."
"Because I'm in class with stellar classmates who are directors and senior managers in their companies, I've already made valuable connections. I've had business interactions between two different classmates and their companies that may result in partnerships."
"The skills I'm learning in accounting and finance let me be part of the conversations I wasn't able to contribute to before. I understand what's happening in our financial statements and I understand the mechanics of how we're financing our projects. It's brought me to a new level of knowledgeable involvement."
Leadership—more attitude than position
"Leadership is not just being the person at the front of the room at the podium; it's something you do everyday and in every interaction. When I establish cultural norms in the office I'm demonstrating leadership. When I take a young woman who is early in her career out for coffee, it's leadership. Haas has helped me redefine what leadership looks like."
"Everybody in the EMBA is an expert at something different. That exposure across industries and functional expertise opens my eyes to different leadership styles in all kinds of settings."
Gaining the skills and knowledge to turn your ideas into reality
"I now see myself as a doer and innovator and as a person who has the capacity to make the world a better place."
"I've learned that great ideas are nothing without the toolbox to bring them to fruition. This toolbox was always missing for me, and I'm building it at Haas. I've always felt like an idea person who didn't know how to make an idea a reality. Now I feel like I have both—the ideas and the execution—and it will allow me to offer more to my current organization and future endeavors."
BS, Environmental Sciences University of California, Berkeley
MA, Environmental Studies University of California, Santa Cruz
I wasn't sure what to expect, but it's the ideal format for those of us with very full lives: kids, full-time jobs, and volunteer work. It's a way to tune the rest of the world out and focus exclusively on school. There are no lunches to pack, and no piles of laundry distracting us from schoolwork.