Alex Lopez
Vice President, Relationship Manager
U.S. Bank
"The EMBA is preparing me to hit the ground running on the path to a C-suite position."
Meeting high career expectations
I’ve always had high expectations for my career growth. It’s imperative to grow my network, my soft skills, and my core knowledge. My EMBA studies are powering all of that growth.
I’m working with the Career Management Group to develop a career path that directs my next steps here at U.S. Bank.
I want my career path to include opportunities to focus on financial solutions for minorities, in particular in the Latinx community. I’ve seen first-hand how much financial literacy is needed, and the change it can bring.
Gaining immediate results
The association with the Berkeley brand, even early in my EMBA studies, is changing how people perceive me. It is also changing how I see myself. I am much more thoughtful and open-minded, more willing to be vulnerable.
Already, I can see how my presentations to clients and with teammates at U.S. Bank are more polished and focused.
The faculty are so inclusive and friendly. They are really interested in what we do on the job, and eager to incorporate our experiences into their classroom discussions. This creates a good blend of theory and real-world experience.
Encountering a diverse cohort
I was relieved to find out that not all of my classmates are Type A personalities. We all bring our own approach to our work and time together.
My coach in the Leadership Communications immersion week really pushed me to tell my story of immigration and striving. So many classmates came up afterward to tell me they identified with what I said. That kind of sharing is transformative.
I wanted an EMBA program that would put me in the classroom with seasoned classmates I could learn from. My cohort has so much diversity: engineers, physicians, finance professionals, non-profit leaders, even a rocket scientist.
BS, Finance & Economics, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
My five-year-old son knows that I’m going to school when I pack a suitcase. It’s important for him to see me so committed to education—just as I want him to be.